Help for parents

Deutsch / English

Topic Overview of Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

All the ques­tions. All the answers.

My account

This is where any ques­tions you have about regis­tra­tion and logging in to the parent portal are answered.

Status of application for childcare

Is a place available? Declined? Accepted? Why does it take so long? Keep an over­view and find answers.

My password

Did you forget or didn’t receive your pass­word? All rele­vant ques­tions are answered here.

Change in application for childcare

You are going to move soon, are chan­ging your name by marriage, or chan­ging your priorities?

Allocation of places

What will happen after one or more appli­ca­tions for child care have been submitted?

General information

The parent portal is a digital service for fami­lies. It is clear that many ques­tions will come up. Here are the answers.

No answers to your questions?

Get in contact and clarify your problem individually.

Individual contact

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